Centering Prayer Meditation Practice
We will continue to practice and spend time together
faithfully every Friday via Zoom.
Centering Prayer begins at 8:00 a.m. and continues until 8:30 a.m.
Here is the Zoom link. Meeting ID: 832 0219 4002
Passcode: spirit
Alan will lead us using the Centering Prayer App which has these components:
Opening Prayer
Beginning Sound
Meditation (beginning at 10 min and working up to 20 over a few sessions)
Ending Sound
Closing Prayer
If you have any questions, please contact Alan via the form below. He can explain the concepts surrounding Centering Prayer and discuss with you the steps in practicing Centering Prayer meditation or help you with any computer issues/questions related to joining this Zoom meeting.
We hope you will find this group meditation an exciting and satisfying experience in your spiritual journey.
~ The Evangelism Committee