Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Growing In God’s Grace - Welcoming All

  • Welcome to Good Shepherd!

    Worship on Sundays at 9am, with fellowship following.

  • Food Shelf

    Pickup at Good Shepherd every third Saturday at 9 am.

  • Immigration Justice Team

    At our January 2020 annual meeting, our congregation voted unanimously to become a Welcoming Congregation in the ELCA’s AMMPARO initiative (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunities).

Welcome Home

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church believes that God’s love is freely given to all regardless of race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation or gender identity. No matter who you are, how you are spiritually, or where you are on life’s journey, we welcome and embrace you in the name and love of Christ. Good Shepherd is located on Route 15, in Jericho, Vermont. Your journey here will be blessed with the beauty of the Green Mountains. Your time with us will be blessed with a warm welcome, inspiration and outstanding music.

Credits: Kathleen Porter of North Photography and Joanne Ranney

Welcome Pastor Chelsea Page

  • Pastor Chelsea is a native of northern California. She was raised as a progressive Catholic and did lay ministry as a faith-based activist prior to discerning her call to the ministry.

  • Chelsea earned her BA in Peace and Conflict Studies at UC Berkeley and continued her theological education at

    • Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge

    • Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley

  • Pastor Chelsea was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 2019 and has served as Associate Pastor at a UCC church in Salt Lake City and as Pastor at an historic ELCA Lutheran Church in Ogden UT.

  • Chelsea has extensive experience in a number of faith traditions and is very much at home with Lutheran theology and Lutheran liturgy. She appreciates and enjoys the richness of our liturgy and the variety of our worship settings.

  • At a personal level, Chelsea is thoughtful, insightful, caring, and relatable. She and her spouse Pegasus have two children – Lyra (3) and Kinley (1).  

Pastor Chelsea holds office hours on Mondays from 10 to 12 at Uncommon Coffee in Essex Center and Fridays from 10 to 12 at Good Shepherd. She works remotely at other times so please don't hesitate to reach out to her! Contact information: 802-404-2746 (cell),

Social media profiles:

Worship at 9am

This Sunday is the seventh Sunday after Epiphany, the season in the church year that highlights God’s revelation to all people through the signs, miracles, and teaching of Jesus. We continue our Global Music tour, celebrating the light of Christ that shines worldwide.

Sunday School and Adult Forum follow service

Mark Your Calender!

Check our Events Calendar to see what exciting things are happening at Good Shepherd.